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It’s nearly a year now since we were in Brazil, spending some time in the Mamiraua reserve. It was fascinating to see Bruce Parry staying in a couple of villages as part of his Amazon journey (available to view on BBC iPlayer till next Monday if you’re in the UK).

Particularly to see the difference there is between the village that is part of the sustainable development programme and the one that isn’t, but hopes to become. It’s quite a contrast to the logging and cocaine producing which is scarring large areas of the Amazon Basin. I’ve also been following the blog of an English guy who is walking the Amazon from source to sea and the most striking thing is the distrust of gringos who bring disease, destruction and fear in many people’s eyes.

Pousada Uacari also gets a small mention in this month’s issue of Wanderlust, as part of a ten-page spread on the Amazon. I’d love to go back there in the flood season at some point.

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