Why Sunday is the best day to visit São Luís, Brazil

Officially founded in 1612 by French naval officer Daniel de la Touche de la Ravardière, São Luís is the state capital of Maranhão and known as the reggae capital of Brazil . Samba, forro and frevo might hold sway in other parts of the North East, but here in São Luís the good times are…

Getting my travelling shoes back on

This year has been pretty light on travel for various reasons, but this month I’ll be remedying that with a trip to Sri Lanka. It’s a year since we’ve been on a long haul trip and at this point I’m even excited for the plane trip, although come back to me a few hours into…


(yes, this has been sitting in my drafts folder for weeks) Sometimes you see an iconic image so often that it takes away the surprise of arriving somewhere new, but not this time. Just five brief hours to spend in the centre of Rio and already I’m wishing I could stay, enchanted by the skyline…

Pictures are up

Here on Flickr, handily split into sets. Had to wrestle with flickr for over a week to get these up as the desktop uploadr kept crashing – tried reinstalling, resizing photos but could never do more than a few at a time. Yesterday it gave up completely – seems quite a few people on the…

This is it

T minus not enough hours… a little nervous but I’m sure once I get on the plane this evening I’ll be fine. So, a whistlestop idea of where we’re heading: – flying into Sao Paolo, and straight onto Manaus, where we’ll be for a couple of days. Love the sound of the floating dock and…

Random thoughts before the trip

~ going from 9C to 32C is going to be strange ~ Today is the first day that this actually seems like reality, I have just been too busy with work ~ OMG, I am actually going to go to Angel Falls ~ I don’t know any Portuguese. Maybe I’ll be vaguely useful in Venezuela…


Just landed in my inbox- one internal flight e-ticket and confirmation of our reservation here for one part of our trip to Brazil and Venezuela. Oh.My.God. :)))))))) (sorry for the overuse of emoticons!) I think the Kaiser Chiefs sum it up perfectly Oh my god, I can’t believe itI’ve never been this far away from…


The Trip-That-Dare-Not-Speak-Its-Name is taking on an interesting new dimension. Now whilst I wont get into politics here, Mr Chavez seems to be sabre-rattling a little at the moment. One of his betes noires seems to be Curacao which is a Dutch overseas territory. Wondering if travelling there as a Dutch citizen is that smart right…

Le Tour a Londres

In just over a month, the Tour de France will kick off in London. Prologue on the 7 July, stage 1 on the 8th, down to Cantebury in Kent. I am so excited about this. Not sure if I want to go to the prologue (more chance to see the cyclists, but not so exciting)…

In print

A short article I wrote about Lithuania can be found online at Diverse Traveller, herehttp://www.diversetraveller.com/DT_ArticleDisplay.aspx?A_ID=227